Friday 23 December 2016

The HRG Allotment From the beginning

On Monday 10th October 2016 I got a very exciting phone call, telling me that after 2.5 years on the waiting list, I was being offered an allotment. I had already turned down 2 offers due to being too far away, this was a smaller plot, 1/3 approximately, but its a start, and just around the corner, I jumped at the chance. So on 12th I went to see it and signed the paperwork. It was all mine. So here it is

View from the site entrance.

Up towards the gate. The communal shed on the right marks the edge of my plot

View down the middle of plot and up each side. As you can see Its a wee bit overgrown. Although I prefer the term once loved. The allotment came with a little history of the plot. The Lady (R) from whom i took over the allotment had had it almost 30 years. Originally to use with her then young family, she then used it in conjunction with her job, caring for mentally ill men. Her career progressed along with her family, granchildren coming to live with her, and so using it with the next generation. Her involvement in the local community and politics lead to her being the Lord Mayor of the city, when she roped some of the liverymen in to help keep it under control. And finally as time and age progresses, illness means she has finally had to admit after years of struggling she had to give it up, and so it passes to me. R, I hope I can do you proud.

The plot comes with fruit. Lots and lots of it. Raspberries upon raspberries, Black currents, Red currents, White currents, Gooseberries(front of the second picture). I hate to say it but i hate gooseberries, although there is a cooker that i may keep for pectin, already palmed some off onto my uncle, also i'll leave 1 or 2 in there as they are under the shade of the apple tree and its going to be an awkward spot to fill otherwise.
The overgrown apple tree, and gooseberries in the front of the plot.

Under here somewhere is black currents and red currents, apparently. And lets not mention whats smothering it. My personal nemesis.

So a lot of clearing to do. James and I have started, firstly defining the plot, and taking out any obvious issues. I can now tell you the plot is 12.5m long and tapering between 8.3m and 6.2m wide. We have a large old apple tree, its just the wrong tree in the wrong place because it is on the south aspect of the plot, meaning it casts a lot of shade. Too late to do anything about that now other than work with what i've got. It is a gorgeous tree with a very gracefull habit and good apples, so I'm having a tree surgeon friend get to work on it. We're going to lower the canopy to encourage the shape it is naturally taking, and help give more light.

Lots of clearing to do. Over the next few weeks ill share my plans with you, and update as things progress.

Happy digging x

Thursday 24 November 2016

The HRG Balcony. Then til now

Just a heads up, this is a long one!

I moved into this flat in September 2013 with my lovely OH and its my first garden since leaving home 15 years ago. I've always loved plants and gardening but due to a combination of moving round lots for work, lifestyle, flats without balconies, and lodging I've never really managed to have more than a couple pots. Now I have a veritable jungle. Here's a quick shot of it then.

(coming the gremlins are playing up)

It's 8ft x 4ft and a bit of an awkward space with those high walls (and that's not the only challenge). But I've learnt a lot up until now.

Year 1

When we arrived the space felt quite cold despite being west facing. So I planned and decided it had to be all edible or have some other use and come February I started getting excited and planting everything. It was indoors so i was just getting and early start on the season right? So many failures! but replanted later in the season and pushed on with gusto.deciding i could grow it all in hanging baskets and individual pots. When my seed starting failed I succumbed to a few 9cm starts. That year we had Lettuce Nasturtium marigold, potatoes, carrots, french beans, runner beans, Swiss chard, cucumbers. It wasn't a great success. So come autumn I decided on a few plants to brighten up the space in the off season with a dark colour scheme. So off to the garden centre for some beautiful aeonium arborium, begonia, black mondo grass, heather and Ajuga Burgundy glow.  We did get some veg that year, so not a total loss but maybe 3 meals total.

Lessons, lots of them this year -

  1. A south facing windowsill with no nets, above the tree line, no heat and curtains that are closed at night is not the place for raising seedlings. I very rarely close my curtains now. That side looks over a park and were pretty high up so  not really a problem with privacy. 
  2. The balcony itself is west facing, which is wonderful for long luxurious afternoons spent basking, but with another balcony above, as most have, it means we get nothing across most of it until 1 then get blasted from there on in. Not great for leafy crops which bolted hung on the front of the balcony but the larger sun lovers didn't get enough to have a great crop situated at the back. You could see they were struggling.
  3. Wind. Oh the wind. Turns out this is a bit of a wind tunnel. and whilst it had been windy on the balcony the previous winter, the full extent of how much of a wind tunnel this is hadn't made itself known. Not 1 bean from my runners, they were ripped ragged and never stood a chance and the dwarf french even with staking and tying in to the railings just couldn't put out a long enough shoot to flower and fruit before it got broken.we managed maybe one meal worth. Then there was the poor Heather and Begonia. Neither were ever able to put out enough root system to stop them being uprooted every 5 seconds and thus died a slow and painful death.
  4. Many veg do not do well in 4 inches of soil. What can i say beyond that really, despite many peoples protestations that leafy greens and many others grow great in windowboxes. That wasn't my experience. Maybe the location didn't help. 
On to...

Year 2.
I decided to concentrate on finding out what did do well here. Growing more from seed, also bringing in more flowers. Blue and purple colour scheme.

Early in the year i brought and sowed some more herbs. Lots of failures again, but i kept trying. Still had tomatoes, but moved to the sunniest spot i have, also Swiss chard, lettuces and radishes, brought in some pansies, petunia, chives, borage, a Landini lily (because I couldn't help myself) a clematis cirrhosa (couldn't help myself) and 3 luscious lavender Warburton silver edge. got given some divisions of herbs by friends plus some strawberries. I ended up with 4 types of mint! By far my favourite for tea is Swiss mint, Moroccan for salads and garden for boiling. Apple mint I'm not fussed by tbh. Typically the Swiss mint has not come back this year, but the apple has with gusto. Grrrrr..... 

The clematis is a Cirrhosa Freckles. A scented winter flowering type, he was chosen as had a slightly lower sun requirement and is going to bring some welcome winter cheer. It hasn't flowered yet (update coming!) but I'm hopeful for this winter as it flowers on old wood which it will have by then, and in summer it'll be just a lush tower of green. Which I'm happy with as it'll never interfere with whatever the colour scheme of that year. Not pictures of it looking bedraggled on its large obelisk, so here's one from instead.

The Moroccan mint, Swiss mint, strawberries, spring bulbs, clematis, and lily and bulbs all won permanent places. The lavender would have, if it along with a host of others things that got killed by a friend when i went away for a fortnight. Oh well.

Year 3

By year 3 I'm beginning to get a grip on the space and brought a phone with a camera (I know right, analog girl with a camera phone), and decided that as i use the space multiple times a day, I just want it to look nice and be an inviting place for relaxing. So out with the chairs that while super comfy are just too big for the space, in with a bistro set, and packed it with colour so that there is always something of interest, right through the year. The iintroduction of Hostas, hardy ferns, and heuchera, lift up the dark spaces around the base of the walls and give some textural interest. Oh and so many Dahlias.

The bistro set (which i couldn't find a good shot of) has to be my buy of the year, reasonably sized for dining at, and for taking a meze selection, and £29.99 from pound stretcher with the 2 chairs! They are reasonably well made and whilst i am sure they wouldn't last for year and years when exposed to the elements, they are protected here so should last much longer. I don't have a great shot of it and has been taken down for winter, so something to photo next year, this is the best i could find
So much better with the bistro set
Here's a look at June.

Mini herb garden

Strawberries and nasturtiums, a classic combo I love.

As you can see lots of classic varieties, and a hot colour theme.

Dahlias corner in June

Looking from one end

And the other.

Landini Lily in its second year flowering and just getting bigger and better.

Moving on to July/August and the issue is where to put everything. As always i have more plants than space and they are suffering. I hate seeing it, but that's another thing I've learnt. Go for long seasons of interest and  good leaf shape/colour.

Dahlia corner, July

This is supposed to be a Bishop of llandaff, whilst it has the right colour and shape flowers, in full sun or partial shade the foliage never darkened to that distinctive dark colour.

New baby

Arabian Night
Reverse side Arabian Night, doesn't show well but the front is a gorgeous red and the back a magenta pink

I know i shouldn't have
favourites, but...

... how could i not with this. Jescot Julie.
I have yet to get a photo to do this
justice. Orange faced and red/pink

Yep, that's still Jescot Julie

Downham royal
Thomas A Edison, changes colour with
the light levels
Thomas A Edison

And positively shines in sunlight. The most
iridescent of my dahlias

View through the balcony door. Aug 2016

I'm just redoing the balcony for winter. And will update once its done. Hope you've enjoyed seeing my balcony so far and hope it will give you a reference point for future ramblings. 

Monday 4 April 2016



Orchids -

Brassia Noid
Colmanara Wildcat Bobcat
Cymbidium Scotts Sunrise
Phal Noid
Mini Phal Noid
Miltoniopsis Newton Falls

Succulents -

Aeonium Arboreum Schwarzkopf
Aloe (?)
Crassula Ovata
Crassula Ovata varigated
Echeveria Elegens
Echeveria Glauca
Hatiora gaertneri
Hawthornia (?)
Ice plant
Kalanchoe Tormentosa
Pepperomia pereskifolia
Unknown red aloe


Asplenium nidus
Chilli's - Habanaro, Thai, Razzmataz
Cholophytum comosum. 'comosum' 'vittatum' and 'varigatum'
Dionaea muscipula
Miniature Rose
Nephrolepis exaltata
Peace Lily x2
St Paulia, 1 std, 1 mini


Bulb pot - 

Narcissus tete a tete, Hyacinth Delft blue and City of harlem, tulip queen of the night, Frittalia imperialis

Pot 1 -

Lily Landini
Ophiopogan nigricans
Fuchsia Trailing Marinka
Fuchsia Upright Blackie

Pot 2 -

Dahlia Arabian night, 
Dahlia Bishop of llandaff

Pot 3 -

Mini rose 
Surfina Deep Red (Sunsurf akatora(p)) 
Calibrachoa Cabaret bright red
Petunia Fanfare red

Pot 4 -

Clematis cirrhosa 'Freckles'

Pot - 5


Self watering trough - x2


Herb Pot -

Rosemary Miss Jessop
Thyme Lorna Doone
To add - Bay

Herb Basket -

Morrocan Mint

Individully potted plants - 

Geranium Bulls eye red
Argyranthemum Maderia crested yell
Verbena Aztec Deep red
Osteospermum Voltage Yellow
Lavender - Grossa and dentata being trained as standards
Fuchsia Coral bells
Hosta Halcyon

Seedlings for baskets -

Celosia Fresh look Orange
Nasturtium tip top mixed

Seedlings for outdoors -

Chilli Jalepeno
Chilli Razzmataz
Sweet pepper
Tomatoes Plum Roma
Tomato Beef
Tomato moneymaker
Rainbow Chard
Rainbow Carrots
Rainbow Beetroot
Basil - black opal